Friday, June 8, 2007

Week 3, Thing 5

Ponte Decchio by Vanvos
I am traveling to Italy in a few weeks, and will be returning to Florence again after 20 some years. I thought I would look for a picture of Florence, and found this amazing photo. This photographer has a true gift for capturing the light. The sky, the buildings, the water. Wow.

Week 2, Thing 3

7 1/2 lifelong learning habits

I think the easiest habit for me is to accept responsibiltiy for my own learning. I fingured out sometime ago that if I really want to learn something, I am the one that needs to make it happen. Putting the book under my pillow didn't work very well.

The most difficult habit is viewing problems as challenges. Usually, problems are just a pain.

Week 1, Thing 2

I am a lifelong learner. It is what keeps things interesting. But I may have met my match with learning another forgien language. I have been trying to learn some Italian, but I keep getting it mixed up with French and the little Spanish I've pick up.

Week 1, Thing 1

Here I go!