Tuesday, August 28, 2007
#23 Woohoo!
I've incorporated LibraryThing into my routine- I think this is a great way to keep track of what I've read. I've also found the suggestions for other books to read pretty good.
I don't remember to use my bloglines, but when I do remember, the feeds are interesting.
I thought I would use some of the 23 Things exercises on the teen myspace I'm trying to maintain, but am discouraged with the myspace because the only people that seem to look at the space are YA authors or other teen librarians.
The use of Wiki's seems to be unbounded in the library world. There is so much to share, I hope we can use this to get info out.
But the biggest thing I've learned from the 23 things is that there isn't enough time!
I think a classroon environment might be better- at least for the first few exercises. People that aren't comfortable using the internet seem to have gotten stuck at the beginning and gave up at the start.
I would definately like to participate in any online learning offered. I find it stimulating.
#22 eBooks
#21 Podcasts
Thursday, August 16, 2007
#20 YouTube
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
#19 Web 2.0 award sites
Saturday, August 11, 2007
#18 Zoho and Google Docs
I have no idea what I did to make Zoho publish this test file to here!! It didn't work at first so I opened a new window and logged on to Blogspot. It still didn't seem to work, so I saved the Zoho document and retried- Then suddenly "MP's 23 Things" appeared in a box and here it is! More magic!!
I just created a test doc in Google Docs. Now I'm trying out Zoho. Zoho looks a lot more like the old Word I'm used to but with HTML buttons. Here is the anchor.
How about fonts? Bigger selection than with Google Docs, but I'm not sure how to get back to Verdana since it isn't on the font list. This is a bit irritating.
When I ran spell check, I lost my blank line between paragraphs!
Here is a bullet list:
- one
- two
- three
Now I'll try the spell check thing again. Ooops. Lost some more blank lines.x433cccc super and subscripts sort of cool.
Friday, August 10, 2007
#17 The Sandbox
#16 Wikis
Thursday, August 9, 2007
#15 Library 2.0
Friday, July 27, 2007
Week 6, Thing 14
I'm really having a hard time getting into this blogging thing. The demographic (not sure this is the correct term) blogs are much more interesting than the personal blogs. I keep running into librarians learning Web 2.0! Sort of the blind leading the blind. But the biggest thing I've learned is that I don't have enough time.
Week 6, Thing 13
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Week 5, Thing 12
Friday, July 20, 2007
Week 5, Thing 11
The LibraryThing is pretty cool. Very easy to use. I hope I can manage to keep my bookshelf up to date with the books I have read. This beats trying to keep a paper log-I keep loosing them.
I spent quite a while trying to get a widget onto my blogspot page and couldn't get it to work. I tried to use the example html to figure out where to put the widget code, but I couldn't figure it out. If anyone knows how to do this, please let me know. Thanks.
Week 5, Thing 10

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Week 4, Thing 9
Friday, July 13, 2007
Week 4, Thing 8

Friday, July 6, 2007
Week 3, Thing 7
However, I am having a hard time keeping up. My husband is a techie type, and goes for everything new. This weekend he spent setting up a wireless link between one of our computers and our new HD TV which allows us to view photo's on the screen-with background music, no less! It's nice- but I would never spend the time to set it up.
Friday, June 8, 2007
Week 3, Thing 5

Week 2, Thing 3
I think the easiest habit for me is to accept responsibiltiy for my own learning. I fingured out sometime ago that if I really want to learn something, I am the one that needs to make it happen. Putting the book under my pillow didn't work very well.
The most difficult habit is viewing problems as challenges. Usually, problems are just a pain.